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Keith Banwart
Donald Beard (Rogge)
Sonya Bentson (Ohl)
Bob Bradham
Ray Bushyager
Ruth Campbell (Holder)
Clarice David
John Emerson
Diane Ewing (Golden)
Jim Glisar
Phyllis Gordon (Kurzak)
Bob Green
LeRoy Guffy
Reuben Hanson
Sherri Harris (Dean)
Milo Headid
Gerald Hesse
Rodney Johnson
Roma Kroll
Dennis Labrune
Jeanine McCue (Forney)
Donald Miens (Miens)
Bob Mohr
Barb Montgomery
James O'Hern
Steve Ohl
Lorraine Petersen (Peterson)
Lani Pettit
Sandy Platt (Backhaus)
Mike Ratkiewicz
Bob Rodecker
Sandra (Sandy) Rol
Bill Schnittker
Terry Sigaty
Ronald Smith (Smith)
Marilyn Sokolowski
Rick Stone
Harold Sypersma
Mary Ulrich (Gustafson)
Marilyn Valeika (Watkins)
Jackie Walters (Weil)
Roger Wanned
Marilyn Williams (Clifford)
Ron Wolf